


Below are some examples of digital work I have created for everything from personal branding to informational books, social media ads to holiday cards.

One of my favorite podcasts is SciShow Tangents. It’s hosted by Hank Green, Ceri Riley, and Sam Schultz (as of January 2022). At the beginning of each episode, one of them recites a science poem they’ve written that is related to the theme of the week. I chose to illustrate one of Ceri’s poems about fruit.

Commissioned Digital Paintings & Projects

This sweet family ordered not one but two custom digital paintings for their two sets of grandparents. Neither set of grandparents had gotten to see all of their grandchildren together since before the pandemic, so these paintings were made with everyone the way they looked in December of 2020.

The year before, the three sisters (two of whom are very dear to me) worked together to write a book that their mother would love. Working under a tight deadline, I created custom illustrations and the layout for their book so that it could be given as a Christmas present.

The story follows a grandmother-to-be as she tries to pin down her new "grandma name". It was written as much for young readers as for this super special nana.






Teaching and Community